Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wet Basement in Wallingford Home

This is the AA-MSA Inspection blog ( AA-MSA Inspector's write about their actual building inspection and environmental testing experiences. This blog post discusses wet basements. For additional information about this blog, contact Joe Raffone toll-free at 1-800-888-8107 ext 302.

If you are purchasing a home, be sure to have a knowledgeable professional look at the basement. Wet basement conditions are sometimes concealed by paint or other camouflage. AA-MSA Inspectors are trained to identify the telltale signs of flooding. Sellers often disclose an "occasional wet area" when in fact there is a serious wet basement condition.
Don't be surprised if after calling a basement water-proofing contractor, he tells you that there is a water seepage problem .... Call AA-MSA for an unbiased diagnosis, an understanding of where the water is coming from and recommendations of how best to stop it! Call us today toll-free at 1-800-888-8107 or visit us on the web at

1 comment:

  1. Buying a home or property needs a lot of work and now days it becomes more important to go for a property inspection before buying a house.
